Goodbye Facebook

  •  Friday, July 24, 2020 16:07

Due to Facebook’s policies over advertising, use of algorithm-based feeds, and its attitude towards its users, Blog Oklahoma and the Blog Oklahoma Podcast will be using other platforms for the foreseeable future. I will not be removing our Facebook Page, but will keep it up as a guidepost to the other services.

Will this hurt Blog Oklahoma’s reach since Facebook is so popular? Probably, but it’s something that needs to happen. Facebook isn’t the place it once was or could be.

Will Blog Oklahoma ever come back if things change? Well never say never, but currently I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

What about Exploring Oklahoma History will it stay on Facebook? At this time, yes. Only because the Facebook Group has over a thousand active members. Will this change? Maybe. Right now, I’m focusing on Blog Oklahoma and the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. Besides doing any regular maintenance and simple posting, I’ll decide what’s going to happen to Exploring Oklahoma after I get done with any Blog Oklahoma projects.

What about Instagram? Yes, Blog Oklahoma still be on Instagram. Yes, it’s owned by Facebook, but has a completely different audience. I will however be disconnecting its connection to the Facebook Page.

You can connect with Blog Oklahoma here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out on any of the above services, or just leave a comment here. I’ll see it.

For Blog Oklahoma, Goodbye Facebook.

-- K.
