Blog Oklahoma Podcast 023: Miscellany 2

It’s been a bit of a hectic week, and I’m sorry to say didn’t get a chance to write up a full episode. But I do have a few little things we can talk about. So this is Miscellany 2.

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Well here we are another miscellany episode. Luckily this is only the second time I’ve had to reach into the miscellaneous file. It’s full of those ideas I’ve jotted down, but have not completed into a full episode, they’re calendar updates, or just a stray thought.

As many of you know I’m a programmer and web developer by trade. This past week has been overflowing with the code. I’m in the midst of a large website project that, unfortunately, has started to come home with me. Even after regular work hours I’ll still be thinking on a code problem or on design aspect of this project. Its at the point now I don’t even want to look at a keyboard as soon as I hit my front door. But of course that damn iPhone is within reach and I’m writing up notes, even in the middle of the night. Oh well, that’s the nature of my chosen profession.

That leads us to the podcast. I’m thinking on the project and not about the next episode. It’s been this way for the last couple of weeks and will likely be that way for the next few weeks ahead. So you’ve been warned.

I do have a couple of episodes in the works, but they are not ready yet, and I believe they deserve their own episode and not rolled into this one.

So you know what’s going on, and I’m going to try my best to not miss an episode during this busy time.


As I’m recording this the Big Game, The Super Bowl is going on. It’s end of a another good football season. Of course if Green Bay had made it to this game, we probably wouldn’t have had a podcast this week. I’m not really interested in the teams that are playing, though I’m sure it will be a good game. If one of your teams made it, I hope they won.

Now you know this means. It’s only a matter of time before the player report to camps in Arizona and Florida for one of the most exciting times of the year. That’s right MLB Spring Training!

So dust off your team cap, oil up your glove, and renew your subscription. I’m so happy baseball time is back.


The Great Backyard Bird Count is February 12-15, 2016


Everyone likes a list episode. So here are the top 7 magazines found on my coffee table this week.


Just a reminder the Oklahoma Presidential Preferential Primary is Tuesday, March 1st. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is by 5 p.m. on February 24th. So please mark your calendars with big bold letters and set a reminder on your phone to get out there and vote. You can find more information at

Links from this episode

This episode's bonus interesting articles

This episode's bonus musical selection

You can listen To the Blog Oklahoma Bonus playlist on YouTube or Spotify. Enjoy.

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