I’m back to the podcast, refreshed, reenergized, and ready to go. So hopefully no more interruptions for a while and I’ll be able to get back to our regular schedule again. I’m very happy to say once again … Welcome to Blog Oklahoma
First off there is a very important date coming up, Tuesday, June 28th. That’s the day of the Oklahoma statewide primary election. Now you might be thinking, hey didn’t we just do that? Well yes, we had the presidential preferential primary back in February where we voted on your party's nominee for president, and that was it. This time around though, it’s the primary for all the other local, state, and federal offices. And in my opinion the more important of the primaries. These are the people who directly represent you. So I encourage you to head to the polls on Tuesday, June 28th and vote.
Now there’s going to be a little hiccup here. Statewide we are all not voting for the same thing. Each voting precinct will basically have their own ballot based on your representative districts and party. So it might be a great idea for you to check ahead to see who’s on your ballot or even if you’re voting at all. For example in Beckham county where I live, there is no Democratic primary. So I don’t have to go down to the polls. There’s nothing for me to vote on this time. But all my Republican and Libertarian neighbors do have a primary to vote in.
So here’s what I want you to do. I want you to visit ok.gov/elections, that the Oklahoma State Elections Board’s website, and click on the “Online Voter Tool” link. It’s prominently placed on the page, you won’t miss it.
Next you’ll need to click on a link one more time, it’s just the way they designed their website. Click on any of the links that say Confirm Your Voter Registration, Find Your Polling Place,View Sample Ballots, or Track Your Absentee Ballot. They all go to the same place. I don’t know why they did that. Just go with it.
Next you’ll see a form under heading Voter Search. Type in your name and birthday, then click the search button. If the system finds you right away, you’ll be shown your voter information. If you just happen to have the same name and birthday as someone else registered to vote you’ll be shown a list of names and towns, pick you from the list.
This voter information tells you what precinct and districts you are in and where your polling place is located.
In about the middle of that page you’ll see a section called Sample Ballots. If you see anything listed there, guess what, you’re voting on Tuesday, June 28th. You can click on the View link to see what your ballot will looks like.
If you’re unsure and/or you want to verify if you’re going to vote or not, email or call your local county elections board. Their email, phone, and address are listed on that same page. They’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.
So if you don’t want to visit ok.gov/elections or call your county election board. Just go to your poll on Tuesday, June 28th. They’ll let you know right away if you need to vote or not.
So please, go vote. It’s one of the most important things you can do.
This episode's writing suggestion
What are you doing over the summer?
Top 5
Here are the top 5 things I did on my podcasting hiatus.
- 5. Recovered from a flu bug. No fun.
- 4. Fixed our lawnmower and finally mowed our lawn. The weeds were getting quite tall.
- 3. Finally watched Deadpool (Loved it)
- 2. Completed the May 2016 Instagram #blogmonth challenge. You can view those posts on blogoklahoma’s instagram.
- 1. Sold my yellow Jeep.
Links from this episode
- Oklahoma Elections Board
- Blog Oklahoma Podcast Feedback Questionnaire
- @blogoklahoma on Instagram
- Our CafePress Store
This episode's bonus musical selection
You can listen To the Blog Oklahoma Bonus playlist on YouTube or Spotify. Enjoy.
We added more tracks than to list here over our break. Just click above, click random, and enjoy.
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