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There comes a time in someone’s life when they need to make some changes. Many people at the beginning of every new year make a resolution to lose weight, exercise more, or something along those lines. I try not to make those kind of resolutions. Those tend start off strong, but usually end up not getting done.
So that brings us to today. I’ve made a decision, I need to (uh correction) I’m going to start exercising more, improve my diet, and make some other changes in my life.
A lot of things have happened over the last few years that have lead me to this decision. Well I’m getting older. I’m getting fatter, let’s be honest here. I’m getting slower. It’s been harder to get some physical tasks done. I’ve been depressed. And this list keeps going on and on and on. I’ve got to make a change.
So first up I’m going to be exercising more. I am not sure what exercise route I’m going to take yet. I’m going to start off slow. I’m not starting a zero, but it’s close to there. I already have a start on this by using a standing workstation at the office. I did a whole episode about it some months back. So I’m not sitting around all day. I’m up and moving for the most of it. But that’s it, I haven’t done much more beyond that. And that’s what’s got to change. Since it’s warmed up I have no excuse not to go for a good walk around the neighborhood.
Next I have to improve my diet a bit. Again I’m not starting at zero, I’m already on a sugar free diet. But I really haven’t been watching what I’ve been eating. Too many of the dreaded hamburger. And too many in between meal snacks. So that’s got to go.
And there are other lifestyle changes I’m making. Such as no more alcohol. I wasn’t much of a drinker anyway, so easy decision. I’m going to bed at a more reasonable hour. I’m working to cut as much stress out of my life as I can. I’ve got to work on my mental well being as much as my physical one, so there’s all that.
It’s not going to be easy, but it’s got to be done. So the very next thing I’m going to be doing is creating a list of goals I want to meet. I and that’s kind of why I’m bringing it up here in the podcast. I just told all of you I’m going to be doing all of this. Now I kind of have to do it. So the next time we get together I share my list of goals with you, and we’ll go from there.
Wish me luck.
Links from this episode
This episode's bonus interesting articles
- What Is International Day Of Happiness? 9 Happy Facts To Help You Celebrate - Bustle
- Instagram will start showing posts out of order, like Facebook - The Verge
- Bell's in the Batfry is Back!!! After a long hiatus a new episode posted this week. Yay!
This episode's bonus musical selection
You can listen To the Blog Oklahoma Bonus playlist on YouTube or Spotify. Enjoy.
New To The Playlist:
- Too Close by Alex Clare: YouTube, Spotify
- The Lightning Strike (What If This Storm Ends?) by Snow Patrol: YouTube, Spotify
- 7 Years by Lukas Graham: YouTube, Spotify
- The Red by Chevelle: YouTube, Spotify
- Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple: YouTube, Spotify
- Love Letter by Clairy Browne & the Bangin' Rackettes: YouTube, Spotify
We started a new playlist on Spotify just for Country music. Please check out Blog Oklahoma Country Road
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