Blog Oklahoma Podcast 15: One Task Down, More to Go

So how many new years resolutions have you broken already? I can honestly say I've broken none. The reason? I didn't make any this year. There were times past when I make resolutions to lose weight, to exercise more, to even blog more, but most of these are something I should be doing anyway. So why make a new years resolution over it. No this year I'm doing something different. I'm not going to make any fleeting new years resolutions, I'm going to set some specific goals this year. And to prove this to myself mostly, I've added them to my "Remember The Milk" task list. So now I have to do them, their in my task list. And I'm happy to say, I've completed one, and you're listening to it.

In the News:
Some of the latest headlines from the Oklahoma blog-o-sphere and (Bum Bum Buuuum) the main stream media. This Week in Oklahoma History:
  • The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation was created this week in 1925.
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