Blog Oklahoma Podcast 049: Spring Cleaning

In this week's episode we talk about what I've been doing all month, I list my top 5 dusty things, and ask one more time for some input.

Welcome to Blog Oklahoma

Well I didn't intend to take the entire month of March off, it just sort of worked out that way. Well hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and get this podcast back on it's regular schedule.

While I was gone I took the opportunity to some spring cleaning. I set off on the task of cleaning up the house, the office, and the Blog Oklahoma websites.

The semi annual Blog Oklahoma webring clean up is something that really needs to be done more regularly, but I just kept putting it off. Sorry about that. It's quite time consuming to visit each and every blog we have listed. So I started one Wednesday to check on all 912 blogs we had registered and finished late that Friday afternoon.

I only flagged records as unlisted instead of deleting them out of the database. So if you think your blog was removed in error, just let me know and I can easily relist it.

What I did was unlist any blog that was missing, that redirected me to another website, that was set to private, that was ended by the publisher, or the blog had been taken over by spammers or tried to publish malware.

I'm sad to say there were 2 blogs that had been hijacked for malicious intent. Luckily I had my shields up and was unaffected by them. I got those sites out of the list very quickly. Three other blogs were taken over by Chinese spammers. Not a euphemism, the sites were in full or partially in Chinese advertising things.

All the other blogs that were unlisted fell into the categories I mentioned. Most we're just not there anymore.

It's sad to see so many blogs just fade away, but these things happen. The blogs that are now listed in the Blog Oklahoma webring are ready for you to go read. Many of them just posted. So check them out.

If you come across a blog that is missing or something is wrong with it, please let me know. I have a new big red button on the bottom of the blog's listing page just to report it.

So what is the new Blog Oklahoma blog count, well you'll have to wait to the end of the podcast to find out. Or you can just visit right now If you want to spoil things. Ha.

So for the rest of the time I did some much needed code updates to the Blog Oklahoma family of websites. I tweaked the front pages of the Blog Oklahoma and Blog Oklahoma Podcast websites. They should provide a bit more information than they once did. I also reorganized the podcast website a little. I no longer have all those sub podcasts listed and instead the site is focusing main Blog Oklahoma Podcast. I moved everything else into the archives.

If you would like to visit the Blog Oklahoma family of websites, at top right of each site is a small 3 by 3 grid square. Click on that and you'll see a list that will take to Blog Oklahoma at, the Blog Oklahoma Podcast at, Exploring Oklahoma History at, and the Program Witch Pages, my personal blog at

Well I'm not quite done with the spring cleaning here at the house. I did get the home office decluttered and all the closets cleaned out. No small task there. I got all the air conditioners cleaned and ready to put back in the windows. I finally mowed the backyard for the first time this spring. The weeds went on a rapid a growth spurt. The last thing I still need to dust all the high places in the house and then vacuum up all the dust bunnies and accumulated cat hair. Joy.

So how was your March? Did I miss anything?

This episode's writing suggestion

is how do you go about spring cleaning. Bonus points if you write about how you handle cat hair.

Top 5

Here are the top 5 things I still need to dust because I'm the only one who can reach them.

  • 5. The top of the refrigerator
  • 4. Along the top of the cabinets in the kitchen
  • 3. All the family pictures and artwork hanging on our walls
  • 2. The top of every curtain
  • 1. All the ceiling fans

Need Your Feedback

I'm looking for ways to improve and grow the Blog Oklahoma Podcast and could use your help. I need your input. If you would, please go to and fill out a short questionnaire about the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. I'm not looking for any demographic or personal information, just your thoughts on the podcast. So please share your input at

Links from this episode

This episode's bonus interesting articles

This episode's bonus musical selection

You can listen To the Blog Oklahoma Bonus playlist on Spotify. Enjoy.

Blog Oklahoma

Are you someone who blogs in or about Oklahoma? Then you already qualify for web ring membership. Join Blog Oklahoma today! (

I'm happy to announce as of April 2, 2017, Blog Oklahoma has 719 registered Oklahoma bloggers.

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