Blog Oklahoma Podcast 055: Bold Mission #okvotes18

So it's been a few months of holidays, family gatherings, travel, bad weather, unexpected work projects, laptop failures, writers block, catching the flu, and having a croaky voice for a few weeks. Oh I've been away for way too long.

Welcome to Blog Oklahoma.

So let's start off 2018 here at the Blog Oklahoma Podcast with a bold mission. I'm going convince you to go vote. If you're a resident of the state of Oklahoma and over the age of 18, there should be no excuse for you to not vote this year.

Nationally, 2018, is what's called a midterm election, meaning it's two years after and before the next Presidential election when people are paying more attention. However this election cycle is very important for Oklahoma. In Oklahoma this is the time we elect most of our State offices, this includes Governor, a good portion of the state House and Senate, as well as our U.S Representatives.

As a citizen of Oklahoma, you need to pay attention to state politics right now. Yes, politics can be boring, especially local politics. But what happens at the State Capital directly affects you personally. It's the roads that you drive on, it's the teachers who are teaching your children, it's you and your family's health care, it's the laws that direct our society, and it's the amount of money that comes out of your paycheck and what is done with that money. These are not trivial things to be ignored and hope for the best on. The people that get elected to the State Capitol decide these things. Not you, unless you vote.

So throughout the year I'm going to keep bringing this up. I'm going to let you know all the information I can so you'll know how to vote, when to vote, where to vote, and what you're voting on. I would like everyone to bookmark this website right now: Everything you need to know about voting in Oklahoma can be found at this website. I'll be referring to it a lot. That's

So let's begin the sharing of the information with these important dates you should mark on your calendar.

There's a local and school board election on February 13th. There are no small elections, for example here in Elk City, Oklahoma, there's a school bond issue on the February 13th ballot. Very important for our kids. If you're unsure if you need to go vote in this local election, check the Online Voter Tool at You can even view a sample ballot.

If you would like to run for office or watch who's going to run, fling for federal, state and legislative offices will be being on April 11th and end on April 13th.

June 26th is the Primary Election and of course November 6th is General Election.

Oh a note on the June 26th Primary Election, there will be a State Question on the ballot, so everyone needs to go vote even if you don't have a party primary to vote in.

The dates I've just given you are the highlights. There are more dates in the election calendar, such as runoffs, the deadlines to register to vote or request an absentee ballot, or when you can vote early. We'll discuss those when the time gets closer to them.

All of these dates are listed at

This episode's writing suggestion

is to convince someone to vote this year.

Links from this episode

This episode's bonus interesting articles

This episode's bonus musical selection

You can listen To the Blog Oklahoma Bonus playlist on Spotify. Enjoy.

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