Okay, now where was I. Oh yes, we left off after the events in January 2021. 2021?! Damn. An entire year has gone by, hasn't it? It was just one thing after another. Large time-consuming work projects, household things that needed my attention at once, having my laptop quit on me wasn't very much fun, and the long everyday stress, depression, and crippling anxiety of the COVID era really didn't help things.
Well, here it is January 2022, and I think, I finally have things situated. I really missed doing this podcast.
Well, we've got a lot of stuff to talk about this year. Here's hoping for a good 2022.
So, fingers crossed and knock-on wood, that another year doesn't go by before I get to say ...
Welcome to Blog Oklahoma
2022 is an election year here in Oklahoma. This is a year we vote on Governor, a good part of the state House and Senate, all our U.S. Representatives, and one U.S. Senator.
What makes this year different though is you might find yourself in a completely different district. The state of Oklahoma has redrawn its maps due to the 2020 census.
It’s best to check with the Oklahoma Elections Board to find out where you are on this new political map. You might be voting on completely different representation this year.
Here are important election dates to add to your calendar:
- February 8, 2022: Board of Education Primary and Special Elections
- April 5, 2022: Board of Education General and Special Elections
- June 28, 2022: Primary Election
- August 23, 2022: Primary Election Runoff
- November 8, 2022: General Election
I really want to encourage you to not ignore the early election in February and April. Remember there are no small elections. With these two elections you could vote on school board seats; bond issues; county, city, or school propositions or positions. Of the elections these two early votes can directly affect your community. So please, go vote.
As these election days approach, I'll be sure to remind you here on the podcast, on our blog, on all Blog Oklahoma's social space, and our new Newsletter.
If you have any questions about how or where to vote, please visit the Oklahoma Elections Board website at oklahoma.gov/elections.
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Recorded with:
- MXL 990 microphone
- Behringer Ultravoice XM18005 microphone
- Behringer Xenyx 800 audio mixer
- Behringer U-Control UCA202 USB Interface